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Safe Haven

Paramount Unified School District is a Safe Haven for Students of All Backgrounds
In our diverse community, we recognize that many students and their families are struggling with questions, concerns and fears about the recent immigration enforcement actions taking place across the state. We work very hard to make our schools safe spaces for learning for every one of our students.  This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that a child’s race, religion, or immigration status do not create any barriers to their education.
On February 15, 2017, our Board of Education adopted a resolution indicating that our schools are a safe haven for all students and their families regardless of their race, religion, gender, immigration status, etc.  By passing this resolution, our district joins several others across the State of California that have already done so on the recommendation of State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.
The Paramount Unified School District embraces the diversity of its students, parents, and community, and views this as something that makes us stronger.  This resolution is just one sign of our commitment to all of our students, parents, and community members.